Fear and new beginnings

Everyone has a season that looks like “new” to them.  For the gardener it’s Spring, for the teacher it’s Fall, for the holiday enthusiast it’s Christmas or the New Year.  New beginnings mean we get a chance to start over again.  A chance to regroup, restart and do better.  

What are some of the things in your life you have been dreaming of?  What are the new beginnings you want for your own life? What excites you?

There’s a song called Fear is a Liar by Zach Williams that speaks to me, which says “Fear, he a liar, he will take your breath, stop you in your steps... he will rob your rest, steal your happiness” and this is the truth.  Many of us find ourselves trapped by fear. To seize a new beginning, we need to face our fears and move forward and embrace what is possible.

What are we afraid of? Are we afraid that our new beginnings won’t be as good as our old past? Are we afraid that we will not rise but we will fall and that will be devastating?  Are we afraid of the unknown? 

As humans we are prone to making mistakes.  That is how we learn, by doing, failing, getting back up, and then reflecting on how it went and what we could’ve done better.  It’s natural to beat yourself up or go 50 rounds of “I’m not good enough”.  To deny yourself a fresh new start is to say to yourself “I don’t deserve this new chance or opportunity. I don’t deserve to try something new and deep down I am scared it might mean failure”. Learning what you don’t like to do or aren’t good at is valuable information. 

I challenge you to look at the evidence in your life. Sit and listen to what is going on in your mind. Every time you have fallen have you not stood back up?  Every time you have moved on to a new opportunity have there not been blessings along the way? New things to be excited about? Learning to be cherished?  And if it didn’t go well, what did you learn from that experience?  

Think about all the times in your life when you had a new beginning.  What did it look like?  What was your happiest new beginning?  What did it lead to?  Would you trade it?  Have you ever wished you stayed in one place or not done something new?

Don’t listen to the critic who sits on your shoulder and tells you it’s not possible.  Don’t hold on to something you don’t even truly desire.  I encourage you to reflect on what you do want in your life and start making those small incremental steps to a better life.  If you are really frightened, there are people who can help.  I can help.   

Life is precious and fleeting.  You are running out of time to chase your dreams, and probably won’t be able to fulfill them all before you die.   You will need to choose what you pursue, you will need to be selective.  So, don’t wait, don’t waste any more time because the truth is everyone deserves a new beginning they have been wishing for, and you are no exception. 

Fear is a liar.  I challenge you to dig deep to understand your true self-worth.  You are precious and you deserve happiness. 

What does that new beginning look like for you?  


Just walk the dog